Advanced HTTP API Resources
The below API is our advanced API based on REST. A simpler API can be found here.
Resource | Description | |
Batch Feeds | ||
GET feed | Returns a list of feed ranges. A list
of component and stream uids are passed as parameters. |
feed |
Updates or Inserts a set of feed
samples for one or more components. Note that there is no POST
for Feeds. PUT will insert or update intervals. |
DELETE feed | Deletes a list of feed ranges. |
GS SQL | ||
GET gql | Executes a GS Query string and returns a result set. |
Query | ||
GET query | Returns a list of all query entities or a single query if an ID parameter is used. |
GET query/new | Returns a new query entity with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET query/{queryUid} | Returns a query entity. |
GET query/{queryUid}/results | Returns a query's cached results. |
POST query/{queryUid}/run | Runs a query's GS SQL and updates the cache. |
PUT query | Inserts a new query. |
POST query | Updates a query entity. |
DELETE query/{queryUid} | Deletes a query entity. |
User | ||
GET user/{userUid} | Returns user information. |
GET user/new | Returns a user with default attributes
and a unique uid (does not create the user's account). |
GET user/ | Returns user information via email
address. |
GET user/email_exists/{email} | Determines if a user exists with the
passed in password. |
POST user/{userUid}/password | Resets user's password. |
POST user | Updates user information. |
GET user/confirm/{userEmail}/{confirmationCode} | Confirms user account. |
PUT user | Registers a new user. |
DELETE user/{userUid} | Removes user's account. |
Organization | ||
GET organization/new | Returns an organization with default
attributes and a unique uid (does not register the org). |
GET organization/{orgUid} | Returns organization information. |
PUT organization | Registers a new organization. |
POST organization/{orgUid} | Updates an organization's information. |
GET organization/new | Returns an organization with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET organization/nameexists/{orgName} | Returns a flag indicating whether an
organization name has been registered. |
GET organization/{orgUid}/name | Returns the name of an organization. |
organization/{orgUid}/public |
Returns organization public
information. |
POST organization/{orgUid}/public | Updates organization public
information. |
GET organization/{orgUid}/public/indicator | Returns a flag that indicates whether
an organization is public or private. |
DELETE organization/{orgUid} | Deletes an organization all resources
within it. |
Organization User | ||
GET org_user | Returns a list of users that are
members of the organization. |
GET org_user/{userUid} | Returns an org_user entity. |
GET org_user/new | Returns an organization user with
default attributes and a unique uid. |
PUT org_user | Inserts an org_user. An org_user
creates an association between an organization and a user. |
POST org_user |
Updates an org_user. |
DELETE org_user/(userUid} | Deletes an org_user. Removes
association between an organization and a user. |
Organization Job | ||
GET org_job | Returns a list of all organization
jobs. |
GET org_job/new | Returns a new org_job entity with
default attributes and a unique uid. |
org_job/{jobUid} |
Returns an org_job entity. |
POST org_job/{jobUid}/cancel | Cancels an organization job if it is
running. |
GET org_job/{jobUid}/status | Returns the status of an organization
job. |
GET org_job/{jobUid}/errors | Returns a list of errors that occurred
during the running of the organization job. |
DELETE org_job/{jobUid} | Deletes an org_job resource. Cancels
the job before deleting it if it is running. |
POST org_job/jobUid}/acknowledge | Sets the org_job acknowledged flag to
true. |
Notifications | ||
GET gs_notification/system | Returns a list of all organization
system notifications. |
GET gs_notification/system/{gsnUid} | Returns a GroveStreams organization
system notification message. |
POST gs_notification/system/{gsnUid}/acknowledge | Sets the organization system
notification acknowledged flag to true. |
POST gs_notification/system | Bulk delete a collection of
notifications. |
DELETE gs_notification/system/{gsnUid} | Deletes an organization system
notification. |
GET gs_notification/org_user | Returns a list of all organization user
notifications. |
GET gs_notification/org_user/{gsnUid} | Returns a GroveStreams organization
user notification message. |
POST gs_notification/org_user/{gsnUid}/acknowledge | Sets the organization user notification
acknowledged flag to true. |
POST gs_notification/org_user | Bulk delete a collection of notifications. | |
DELETE gs_notification/org_user | Deletes an organization user
notification. |
GET gs_notification/new_count | Returns the count of unacknowledged
user, system and job notifications |
API Key | ||
GET api_key | Returns a list of all api keys. |
GET api_key/new | Returns a new api_key with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET api_key/{keyUid} | Returns an api_key entity. |
PUT api_key | Inserts a new api_key entity. |
POST api_key | Updates an api_key entity. |
DELETE api_key/{keyUid} | Deletes an api_key entity. |
GET api_key/{keyUid}/secret_key | Gets the secret key for an api_key
(note that the api_key uid is not the secret key). |
Connector | ||
GET connector | Returns a list of all connectors. |
GET connector/new | Returns a new connector with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET connector/{connectorUid} | Returns a connector entity. |
PUT connector | Inserts a new connector. |
POST connector | Updates a connector. |
DELETE connector/{connectorUid} | Deletes a connector. |
Unit | ||
GET unit | Returns a list of all units. |
GET unit/new | Returns a new unit with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET unit/{unitUid} | Returns a unit entity. |
PUT unit | Inserts a new unit. |
POST unit | Updates a unit. |
DELETE unit/{unitUid} | Deletes a unit. |
Cycle | ||
GET cycle | Returns a list of all cycles. |
GET cycle/new | Returns a new cycle with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET cycle/{cycleUid} | Returns a cycle entity. |
PUT cycle | Inserts a cycle. |
POST cycle | Updates a cycle. |
DELETE cycle/{cycleUid} | Deletes a cycle. |
Rollup Calendar | ||
GET rollup_calendar | Returns a list of all rollup_calendars. | |
GET rollup_calendar/new | Returns a rollup_calendar with default attributes and a unique uid. | |
GET rollup_calendar/{rollupCalendarUid} | Returns a rollup_calendar. | |
PUT rollup_calendar | Inserts a rollup_calendar. |
POST rollup_calendar | Updates a rollup_calendar |
rollup_calendar/{rollupCalendarUid} |
Deletes a rollup_calendar. |
Time Filter | ||
GET time_filter | Returns a list of all time_filters. |
GET time_filter/new | Returns a time_filter with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
time_filter/{timeFilterUid} |
Returns a time_filter. |
PUT time_filter | Inserts a time_filter. |
POST time_filter | Updates a time_filter. |
DELETE time_filter/{timeFilterUid} | Deletes a time_filter. |
Delete Profile | ||
GET delete_profile | Return a list of all delete_profile. |
GET delete_profile/new | Returns a delete_profile with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET delete_profile/{deleteProfileUid} | Returns a delete_profile. | |
PUT delete_profile | Inserts a delete_profile. | |
POST delete_profile | Updates a delete_profile. | |
DELETE delete_profile/{deleteProfileUid} | Deletes a delete_profile. | |
Action Package | ||
GET action_pkg | Return a list of all action packages. |
GET action_pkg/new | Returns an action package with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET action_pkg/{actionPkgUid} | Returns an action package. | |
PUT action_pkg | Inserts an action package. | |
POST action_pkg | Updates an action package. | |
DELETE action_pkg/{actionPkgUid} | Deletes an action package. |
GET action/new | Returns a new action. |
Component Template | ||
GET component_template | Returns a list of all
component_template. |
GET component_template/new | Returns a component_template with
default attributes and a unique uid. |
GET component_template/{templateUid} | Returns a component_template matching the templateUid. | |
GET component_template/{templateId} | Returns a component_template matching the templateId. | |
PUT component_template | Inserts a component_template. | |
POST component_template | Updates a component_template. | |
DELETE component_template/{templateUid} | Deletes a component_template. | |
Component | ||
GET component | Returns a list of components or one
component with the passed in id. |
GET component/new | Returns a new component with default
attributes and a unique uid. Used to also create a new
component from a component_template. |
GET component/{componentUid} | Returns a component entity. |
GET component/{componentUid}/location | Returns a component's current location. |
PUT component/{componentUid}/reconcile_changes | Usually called before POSTing a
component to determine if the changes to the component (and
its streams) will trigger a reconcile job to be created during
a POST. |
PUT component | Inserts a new component. Can also be
used to create, save and return a component from a
component_template of the component does not already exist. |
POST component | Updates a component. |
DELETE component/{componentUid} | Deletes a component and all of its
children including stream feeds. |
Component - Stream | ||
GET component/{compUid}/stream | Returns a list of streams for a
component. |
GET component/{compUid}/stream/new | Returns a new stream with default
attributes and a unique uid. Does not insert the new stream
into the store. |
component/{compUid}/stream/{streamUid} |
Returns a component stream. |
comp_event/new |
Returns a new component event
definition. |
Component - Stream Feeds | ||
component/{compUid}/feed |
Returns the feed range for each of the
component's streams. |
GET component/{compUid}/feed/{streamUid} | Returns the feed range for a component
stream. |
DELETE component/{compUid}/feed | Deletes the feed range for all
component streams. |
DELETE component/{compUid}/feed/{streamUid} | Deletes the feed range for a component
stream. |
Batch Stream Metadata | ||
GET stream_metadata | Returns a list of stream metadata that
is typically used for graphing and displaying stream feed
information. Component and Stream uids are passed as
arguments. |
GET stream_metadata/{componentUid} | Returns metadata for each stream for
the given componentUid. |
Login | ||
POST login | Takes user's id (email) and password.
If successful this call will create a session. The session uid
is passed back and forth as a cookie or argument and will
timeout with inactivity. |
DELETE login | Expires the current session. |
POST login_guest | This can only be called for
organizations declared as public by their owner. This call is
similar to "POST login" except it associates the session with
a "Guest" user. |
Billing Metrics | ||
billing_metrics |
Returns a list of organization billing
metrics. |
View Map | ||
GET view_map/new | Returns a view_map with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET view_map/{mapUid} | Returns a view_map entity. |
PUT view_map | Inserts a view_map. |
POST view_map | Updates a view_map. |
DELETE view_map/{mapUid} | Deletes a view_map. |
View Dashboard | ||
GET view_dashboard/new | Returns a view_dashboard with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
GET view_dashboard/{dashboardUid} | Returns a view_dashboard entity. |
PUT view_dashboard | Inserts a view_dashboard. |
POST view_dashboard | Updates a view_dashboard. |
DELETE view_dashboard/{dashboardUid} | Deletes a view_dashboard. |
GET view_widget/{dashboardUid}/new | Returns view_widget with default
attributes and a unique uid. |
Repository - Components |
GET cr/comp/new | Returns a cr_node with default attributes and a unique uid. | |
GET cr/comp | Returns the root cr_node or another by full path. | |
GET cr/comp/{nodeUid} | Returns a cr_node. If nodeUid is blank then the root folder is returned. | |
GET cr/comp/{nodeUid}/children | Returns a list of children for a node. | |
PUT cr/comp | Inserts a new cr_node. |
POST cr/comp | Updates a node. | |
DELETE cr/comp/{nodeUid} | Deletes node and all child nodes (recursive). | |
GET cr/comp/{nodeUid}/children | Returns a list of children for a node. | |
Repository - Dashboards and Maps |
GET cr/content/new | Returns a cr_node with default attributes and a unique uid. | |
GET cr/content | Returns the root cr_node or another by full path. | |
GET cr/content/{nodeUid} | Returns a cr_node. If nodeUid is blank then the root folder is returned. | |
GET cr/content/{nodeUid}/children | Returns a list of children for a node. | |
PUT cr/content | Inserts a new cr_node. |
POST cr/content | Updates a node. | |
DELETE cr/content/{nodeUid} | Deletes node and all child nodes (recursive). | |
GET cr/content/{nodeUid}/children | Returns a list of children for a node. | |
Repository - Tools |
GET cr/tools/new | Returns a cr_node with default attributes and a unique uid. | |
GET cr/tools | Returns the root cr_node or another by full path.. | |
GET cr/tools/{nodeUid} | Returns a cr_node. If nodeUid is blank then the root folder is returned. | |
GET cr/tools/{nodeUid}/children | Returns a list of children for a node. | |
PUT cr/tools | Inserts a new cr_node. |
POST cr/tools | Updates a node. | |
DELETE cr/tools/{nodeUid} | Deletes node and all child nodes (recursive). | |
GET cr/tools/{nodeUid}/children | Returns a list of children for a node. | |